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Suburb Houses

Mold & Bacterial Spray

What is a mold and bacterial spray?

Essentially we use a tool that atomizes the chemical, creating a mist or fog like spray that kills both mold and bacteria including Covid-19. The solution we use is made from plants and used in children's hospitals around the United States! This means its safe yet effective.

Is a mold and bacteria spray necessary?

Mold and bacteria sprays are common on mold jobs as the last method to ensure the work space is mold free. They can also be very beneficial by killing bacterial viruses such as the flu and Covid-19.

How much does a mold and bacteria spray cost?

Our entry mold and bacteria fog is $299 and will increase based on square footage. Please call for a quote.

How long does a mold and bacteria take?

Inspections typically take 30 minutes up to one hour depending on the size of the home.

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